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Today at 19.00 a new advanced course on Planfix starts


Today at 19:00 a new Advanced course starts by Planfix.

Today there will be an open lecture, where I traditionally tell how to approach the processes of my company. But this time I decided to give an additional significant part about how Planfix and its objects are arranged:

  • why do we need templates, processes, scripts, analytics, buttons, etc.;
  • what to build on when choosing an account architecture;
  • examples of solving the same tasks in different ways with different architectural solutions;
  • and I will try to show the connection between settings and process diagrams.< /li>

My goal for the open lecture is to help everyone build a single image of Planfix as a system.

All are welcome: =V2RNTkZ1elFBWERiNlNuQ2RaMUk0UT09

PS On Friday, a lecture on account administration skills and how not to get it right in this matter.

P.P.S And on Saturday there is a workshop about the description of processes, if there are 5 people.
Workshops are outside the course and are paid separately.

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Watch an excerpt of the course

My speech at the First Planfix Integrators Conference. I tell you how to put things in order with the help of PF tools.
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