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Interim operational business management

When a business is left without an owner, it quickly dies. The reasons why the case turned out to be “ownerless” are difficult. Corporate conflicts, sabotage, a protracted serious illness of an entrepreneur, his disappearance, death.

It’s good when the owner of the enterprise has a replacement — a deputy or a manager. Otherwise, the business stops and falls apart.

How to save and support a business without an owner?

I help support a business in difficult situations. For such cases, I have a specially developed regulation.

I suggest taking over the management of the company and the team for 3 months. If necessary, I will come with my team to resolve important issues. Contact me, I can be of service to you.

What tasks do I perform?

I will not fire anyone, I will not break contracts, I will not sign any unnecessary orders, except for planned vacations, sick leaves, etc. 

My first and foremost concern is to keep the business going.

The second task is to paint all the discovered mechanics and logic in such a way that after me you or the new leader can continue to work.

The choice of solutions is not based on intuition, but on the analysis of business processes, building a strategic system of work and assessing future risks.

How we interact with clients

  1. We study and analyze the features and structure of the business.
  2. We define goals, set tasks.
  3. We draw up a clear plan of trust management with an indication of the tasks and deadlines. We agree with the customer.
  4. We clearly define the boundaries of authority.
  5. We conclude an agreement.
  6. We issue legal rights:
  • access to bank accounts of a legal entity, Domain on the registrar’s website, email distribution service;
  • payments, signatures of invoices, acts, other documents;
  • to use digital signatures to sign documents for EDF.

You have constant access to monitoring the control process. We can adjust the goals, objectives and make joint amendments to the plan, if circumstances require it (seasonality of business, fixed-term contracts, force majeure, etc.)


Interim operational management service is provided on the basis of a contract and is notarized. The property that goes into trust management is reflected in a separate balance sheet. A separate bank account is created for financial settlements. The client monitors the success of the business development using our reports.

Moreover, the principal protection mechanism has been thought out and approved on a legislative basis.

How much does the temporary operational business management service cost?

The service includes several points:

  • Fixed payment for control. The specific amount is set taking into account the needs of the business in an additional team on my part and depends on the industry (familiar or not yet familiar).
  • Fee for defining processes, formalizing them and compiling the most detailed and objective data.

The work of each enterprise is individual and I approach the management of each one, having previously immersed myself in the specifics of business processes.

Contact me and ask all the necessary questions via email or chat on the website page. I answer as quickly as possible.

Watch an excerpt of the course

My speech at the First Planfix Integrators Conference. I tell you how to put things in order with the help of PF tools.