On October 04, 2021 my next autumn advanced course on Planfix starts
[ID] => 899
[~ID] => 899
[NAME] => 04 октября 2021 года стартует мой очередной осенний продвинутый курс по ПланФиксу
[~NAME] => 04 октября 2021 года стартует мой очередной осенний продвинутый курс по ПланФиксу
[IBLOCK_ID] => 5
[~IBLOCK_ID] => 5
04 октября 2021 года стартует мой осенний продвинутый курс по ПланФиксу! Приглашаю принять участие в обучении.
Я являюсь партнером и интегратором ПланФикса с 2017 года. Знаю уникальные возможности платформы, разнообразные требования заказчиков, умею подстроить Planfix под самые необычные запросы компаний, создаю собственные интеграции и проектные решения. Вы сможете освоить такие же навыки.
Кому нужен курс обучения по ПланФиксу
- Вы давно хотите освоить ПланФикс и привести дела своей компании на новый уровень. Обучение поможет прокачать навыки и повысить уровень квалификации.
- Вы изучили теоретическую часть, прошли базовый курс, но хотите получить больше практики и освоить новые «фишки».
- Вы работаете с ПланФиксом, имеете неплохой уровень знаний. Но вам не хватает знаний, чтобы подняться на уровень выше и стать партнером или интегратором Planfix.
- Вы ведете одну или две небольшие компании, но хотите повысить скорость работы и получить практический опыт от интегратора.
Программа продвинутого курса по ПланФиксу
Вы поэтапно изучите весь функционал Planfix. Начнете с простых наработок и доберетесь до сложных связок объектов ПланФикса (контактов, сотрудников, проектов, аналитик и прочих.) с многоуровневой постановкой задач, решающих вопросы бизнеса.
За 6 недель вы научитесь:
- погружаться в описание бизнес-процессов;
- настраивать аккаунт организации ;
- работать с парсингом данных из форм;
- работать с API Планфикса;
- работать с интеграционным сервисом Getupd.io;
- связывать аккаунты и передавать информацию между ними;
- выполнять сложные вычисления и делать графики в Google Data Studio;
- разбираться в основах проектного управления в ПланФиксе;
- выстраивать работу с кадрами (найм, адаптация, увольнение и делегирование);
- ориентироваться в ПланФиксе и правильно строить архитектуру своих решений.
Полученные знания подтверждаются сертификатом об окончании продвинутого курса по ПланФиксу.
Организационные моменты продвинутого курса по ПланФиксу
- 15 платных мест. Курсанты предыдущего обучающего курса могут принять участие бесплатно по предварительной заявке.
- Занятия. 2 раза в неделю по вторникам и пятницам по 1,5 часа.
- Доступ в закрытый чат, где можно задавать вопросы и обсуждать решения поставленных задач.
- Проверка домашних заданий под руководством куратора.
- Занятия онлайн через Zoom. Курсанты, выполняющие домашние задания, получают видеозаписи уроков.
Не упускайте возможность прокачать свои навыки. Записывайтесь на осенний продвинутый курс по ПланФиксу.
04 октября 2021 года стартует мой осенний продвинутый курс по ПланФиксу! Приглашаю принять участие в обучении.
Я являюсь партнером и интегратором ПланФикса с 2017 года. Знаю уникальные возможности платформы, разнообразные требования заказчиков, умею подстроить Planfix под самые необычные запросы компаний, создаю собственные интеграции и проектные решения. Вы сможете освоить такие же навыки.
Кому нужен курс обучения по ПланФиксу
- Вы давно хотите освоить ПланФикс и привести дела своей компании на новый уровень. Обучение поможет прокачать навыки и повысить уровень квалификации.
- Вы изучили теоретическую часть, прошли базовый курс, но хотите получить больше практики и освоить новые «фишки».
- Вы работаете с ПланФиксом, имеете неплохой уровень знаний. Но вам не хватает знаний, чтобы подняться на уровень выше и стать партнером или интегратором Planfix.
- Вы ведете одну или две небольшие компании, но хотите повысить скорость работы и получить практический опыт от интегратора.
Программа продвинутого курса по ПланФиксу
Вы поэтапно изучите весь функционал Planfix. Начнете с простых наработок и доберетесь до сложных связок объектов ПланФикса (контактов, сотрудников, проектов, аналитик и прочих.) с многоуровневой постановкой задач, решающих вопросы бизнеса.
За 6 недель вы научитесь:
- погружаться в описание бизнес-процессов;
- настраивать аккаунт организации ;
- работать с парсингом данных из форм;
- работать с API Планфикса;
- работать с интеграционным сервисом Getupd.io;
- связывать аккаунты и передавать информацию между ними;
- выполнять сложные вычисления и делать графики в Google Data Studio;
- разбираться в основах проектного управления в ПланФиксе;
- выстраивать работу с кадрами (найм, адаптация, увольнение и делегирование);
- ориентироваться в ПланФиксе и правильно строить архитектуру своих решений.
Полученные знания подтверждаются сертификатом об окончании продвинутого курса по ПланФиксу.
Организационные моменты продвинутого курса по ПланФиксу
- 15 платных мест. Курсанты предыдущего обучающего курса могут принять участие бесплатно по предварительной заявке.
- Занятия. 2 раза в неделю по вторникам и пятницам по 1,5 часа.
- Доступ в закрытый чат, где можно задавать вопросы и обсуждать решения поставленных задач.
- Проверка домашних заданий под руководством куратора.
- Занятия онлайн через Zoom. Курсанты, выполняющие домашние задания, получают видеозаписи уроков.
Не упускайте возможность прокачать свои навыки. Записывайтесь на осенний продвинутый курс по ПланФиксу.
[PREVIEW_TEXT] => 04 октября 2021 года стартует мой очередной осенний продвинутый курс по ПланФиксу.
Приглашаю вас на обучение.
[~PREVIEW_TEXT] => 04 октября 2021 года стартует мой очередной осенний продвинутый курс по ПланФиксу.
Приглашаю вас на обучение.
[TIMESTAMP_X] => 30.09.2021 08:23:58
[~TIMESTAMP_X] => 30.09.2021 08:23:58
[ACTIVE_FROM] => 28.09.2021 11:54:00
[~ACTIVE_FROM] => 28.09.2021 11:54:00
[LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/events/
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[~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /en/events/startuet-osenniy-prodvinutyy-kurs/
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[ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => продвинутый курс, ПланФикс
[ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => 04 октября 2021 года стартует осенний продвинутый курс по ПланФиксу! Вы поэтапно изучите весь функционал платформы.
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[~VALUE] => On October 04, 2021 my next autumn advanced course on Planfix starts
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[ID] => 89
[TIMESTAMP_X] => 2020-06-16 09:42:13
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[TEXT] => On October 04, 2021, my next autumn advanced Planfix course starts. I invite you to study.
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[TEXT] => On October 04, 2021, my next autumn advanced Planfix course starts. I invite you to study.
[TEXT] =>
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[ID] => 90
[TIMESTAMP_X] => 2020-06-16 09:42:13
[IBLOCK_ID] => 5
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[TEXT] => <p>
On October 04, 2021, my autumn Advanced PlanFix course starts! I invite you to take part in the training. <br>
I have been a Planfix partner and integrator since 2017. I know the unique capabilities of the platform, the various requirements of customers, I am able to adjust Planfix to the most unusual requests of companies, I create my own integrations and design solutions. You will be able to learn the same skills.
<h2> Who needs a Planfix training course </h2>
<li> You have long wanted to master PlanFix and take your business to the next level. Training will help you upgrade your skills and improve your qualifications. </li>
<li> You have studied the theoretical part, completed the basic course, but want to get more practice and master new "tricks". </li>
<li> You work with PlanFix, you have good level of knowledge. But you lack the knowledge to move up a level and become a Planfix partner or integrator. </li>
<li> You run one or two small companies, but you want to increase the speed and get hands-on experience from the integrator. </li>
<h2> Planfix Advanced Course Program </h2>
You will learn all the Planfix functionality step by step. You will start with simple developments and get to complex bundles of Planfix objects (contacts, employees, projects, analysts, etc.) with a multi-level setting of tasks that solve business issues.
In 6 weeks you will:
<li> dive into the description of business processes; </li>
<li> learn how to set up an organization account; </li>
<li> work with parsing data from forms; </li>
<li> work with the Planfix API; </li>
<li> work with the Getupd.io integration service; </li>
<li> link accounts and transfer information between them; </li>
<li> perform complex calculations and graphs in Google Data Studio; </li>
<li> learn the basics of project management in Planfix; </li>
<li> learn how to build work with people (hiring, onboarding, firing and delegating) ; </li>
<li> learn how to navigate in Planfix and correctly build the architecture of your solutions. </li>
The knowledge gained is confirmed by a certificate of completion of an advanced course in Planfix.
<h2> Organizational highlights of the advanced Planfix course </h2>
<li> 15 paid places. Cadets of the previous training course can take part free of charge by prior request. </li>
<li> Classes 2 times a week on Tuesdays and Fridays for 1.5 hours. </li>
<li> Access to a private chat where you can ask questions and discuss solutions to the problems. </li>
<li> Supervised homework review. </li>
<li> Online classes via Zoom. Cadets doing their homework receive videos of lessons. </li>
Don't miss the opportunity to improve your skills. <a href="https://cheltsov.ru/courses/prodvinutyy-kurs/" target="_blank"> Sign up </a> for the fall advanced course on Planfix.
[~VALUE] => Array
[TEXT] =>
On October 04, 2021, my autumn Advanced PlanFix course starts! I invite you to take part in the training.
I have been a Planfix partner and integrator since 2017. I know the unique capabilities of the platform, the various requirements of customers, I am able to adjust Planfix to the most unusual requests of companies, I create my own integrations and design solutions. You will be able to learn the same skills.
Who needs a Planfix training course
- You have long wanted to master PlanFix and take your business to the next level. Training will help you upgrade your skills and improve your qualifications.
- You have studied the theoretical part, completed the basic course, but want to get more practice and master new "tricks".
- You work with PlanFix, you have good level of knowledge. But you lack the knowledge to move up a level and become a Planfix partner or integrator.
- You run one or two small companies, but you want to increase the speed and get hands-on experience from the integrator.
Planfix Advanced Course Program
You will learn all the Planfix functionality step by step. You will start with simple developments and get to complex bundles of Planfix objects (contacts, employees, projects, analysts, etc.) with a multi-level setting of tasks that solve business issues.
In 6 weeks you will:
- dive into the description of business processes;
- learn how to set up an organization account;
- work with parsing data from forms;
- work with the Planfix API;
- work with the Getupd.io integration service;
- link accounts and transfer information between them;
- perform complex calculations and graphs in Google Data Studio;
- learn the basics of project management in Planfix;
- learn how to build work with people (hiring, onboarding, firing and delegating) ;
- learn how to navigate in Planfix and correctly build the architecture of your solutions.
The knowledge gained is confirmed by a certificate of completion of an advanced course in Planfix.
Organizational highlights of the advanced Planfix course
- 15 paid places. Cadets of the previous training course can take part free of charge by prior request.
- Classes 2 times a week on Tuesdays and Fridays for 1.5 hours.
- Access to a private chat where you can ask questions and discuss solutions to the problems.
- Supervised homework review.
- Online classes via Zoom. Cadets doing their homework receive videos of lessons.
Don't miss the opportunity to improve your skills. Sign up for the fall advanced course on Planfix.
[TEXT] =>
[EN_TEXT2] => Array
[ID] => 90
[TIMESTAMP_X] => 2020-06-16 09:42:13
[IBLOCK_ID] => 5
[SORT] => 500
[TEXT] =>
[ROW_COUNT] => 1
[COL_COUNT] => 30
[XML_ID] =>
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[VERSION] => 1
[height] => 200
[HINT] =>
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[TEXT] => <p>
On October 04, 2021, my autumn Advanced PlanFix course starts! I invite you to take part in the training. <br>
I have been a Planfix partner and integrator since 2017. I know the unique capabilities of the platform, the various requirements of customers, I am able to adjust Planfix to the most unusual requests of companies, I create my own integrations and design solutions. You will be able to learn the same skills.
<h2> Who needs a Planfix training course </h2>
<li> You have long wanted to master PlanFix and take your business to the next level. Training will help you upgrade your skills and improve your qualifications. </li>
<li> You have studied the theoretical part, completed the basic course, but want to get more practice and master new "tricks". </li>
<li> You work with PlanFix, you have good level of knowledge. But you lack the knowledge to move up a level and become a Planfix partner or integrator. </li>
<li> You run one or two small companies, but you want to increase the speed and get hands-on experience from the integrator. </li>
<h2> Planfix Advanced Course Program </h2>
You will learn all the Planfix functionality step by step. You will start with simple developments and get to complex bundles of Planfix objects (contacts, employees, projects, analysts, etc.) with a multi-level setting of tasks that solve business issues.
In 6 weeks you will:
<li> dive into the description of business processes; </li>
<li> learn how to set up an organization account; </li>
<li> work with parsing data from forms; </li>
<li> work with the Planfix API; </li>
<li> work with the Getupd.io integration service; </li>
<li> link accounts and transfer information between them; </li>
<li> perform complex calculations and graphs in Google Data Studio; </li>
<li> learn the basics of project management in Planfix; </li>
<li> learn how to build work with people (hiring, onboarding, firing and delegating) ; </li>
<li> learn how to navigate in Planfix and correctly build the architecture of your solutions. </li>
The knowledge gained is confirmed by a certificate of completion of an advanced course in Planfix.
<h2> Organizational highlights of the advanced Planfix course </h2>
<li> 15 paid places. Cadets of the previous training course can take part free of charge by prior request. </li>
<li> Classes 2 times a week on Tuesdays and Fridays for 1.5 hours. </li>
<li> Access to a private chat where you can ask questions and discuss solutions to the problems. </li>
<li> Supervised homework review. </li>
<li> Online classes via Zoom. Cadets doing their homework receive videos of lessons. </li>
Don't miss the opportunity to improve your skills. <a href="https://cheltsov.ru/courses/prodvinutyy-kurs/" target="_blank"> Sign up </a> for the fall advanced course on Planfix.
[~VALUE] => Array
[TEXT] =>
On October 04, 2021, my autumn Advanced PlanFix course starts! I invite you to take part in the training.
I have been a Planfix partner and integrator since 2017. I know the unique capabilities of the platform, the various requirements of customers, I am able to adjust Planfix to the most unusual requests of companies, I create my own integrations and design solutions. You will be able to learn the same skills.
Who needs a Planfix training course
- You have long wanted to master PlanFix and take your business to the next level. Training will help you upgrade your skills and improve your qualifications.
- You have studied the theoretical part, completed the basic course, but want to get more practice and master new "tricks".
- You work with PlanFix, you have good level of knowledge. But you lack the knowledge to move up a level and become a Planfix partner or integrator.
- You run one or two small companies, but you want to increase the speed and get hands-on experience from the integrator.
Planfix Advanced Course Program
You will learn all the Planfix functionality step by step. You will start with simple developments and get to complex bundles of Planfix objects (contacts, employees, projects, analysts, etc.) with a multi-level setting of tasks that solve business issues.
In 6 weeks you will:
- dive into the description of business processes;
- learn how to set up an organization account;
- work with parsing data from forms;
- work with the Planfix API;
- work with the Getupd.io integration service;
- link accounts and transfer information between them;
- perform complex calculations and graphs in Google Data Studio;
- learn the basics of project management in Planfix;
- learn how to build work with people (hiring, onboarding, firing and delegating) ;
- learn how to navigate in Planfix and correctly build the architecture of your solutions.
The knowledge gained is confirmed by a certificate of completion of an advanced course in Planfix.
Organizational highlights of the advanced Planfix course
- 15 paid places. Cadets of the previous training course can take part free of charge by prior request.
- Classes 2 times a week on Tuesdays and Fridays for 1.5 hours.
- Access to a private chat where you can ask questions and discuss solutions to the problems.
- Supervised homework review.
- Online classes via Zoom. Cadets doing their homework receive videos of lessons.
Don't miss the opportunity to improve your skills. Sign up for the fall advanced course on Planfix.
[TEXT] =>
On October 04, 2021, my autumn Advanced PlanFix course starts! I invite you to take part in the training.
I have been a Planfix partner and integrator since 2017. I know the unique capabilities of the platform, the various requirements of customers, I am able to adjust Planfix to the most unusual requests of companies, I create my own integrations and design solutions. You will be able to learn the same skills.
Who needs a Planfix training course
- You have long wanted to master PlanFix and take your business to the next level. Training will help you upgrade your skills and improve your qualifications.
- You have studied the theoretical part, completed the basic course, but want to get more practice and master new "tricks".
- You work with PlanFix, you have good level of knowledge. But you lack the knowledge to move up a level and become a Planfix partner or integrator.
- You run one or two small companies, but you want to increase the speed and get hands-on experience from the integrator.
Planfix Advanced Course Program
You will learn all the Planfix functionality step by step. You will start with simple developments and get to complex bundles of Planfix objects (contacts, employees, projects, analysts, etc.) with a multi-level setting of tasks that solve business issues.
In 6 weeks you will:
- dive into the description of business processes;
- learn how to set up an organization account;
- work with parsing data from forms;
- work with the Planfix API;
- work with the Getupd.io integration service;
- link accounts and transfer information between them;
- perform complex calculations and graphs in Google Data Studio;
- learn the basics of project management in Planfix;
- learn how to build work with people (hiring, onboarding, firing and delegating) ;
- learn how to navigate in Planfix and correctly build the architecture of your solutions.
The knowledge gained is confirmed by a certificate of completion of an advanced course in Planfix.
Organizational highlights of the advanced Planfix course
- 15 paid places. Cadets of the previous training course can take part free of charge by prior request.
- Classes 2 times a week on Tuesdays and Fridays for 1.5 hours.
- Access to a private chat where you can ask questions and discuss solutions to the problems.
- Supervised homework review.
- Online classes via Zoom. Cadets doing their homework receive videos of lessons.
Don't miss the opportunity to improve your skills. Sign up for the fall advanced course on Planfix.
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[ID] => 88
[TIMESTAMP_X] => 2020-06-16 09:42:13
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On October 04, 2021, my autumn Advanced PlanFix course starts! I invite you to take part in the training.
I have been a Planfix partner and integrator since 2017. I know the unique capabilities of the platform, the various requirements of customers, I am able to adjust Planfix to the most unusual requests of companies, I create my own integrations and design solutions. You will be able to learn the same skills.
Who needs a Planfix training course
- You have long wanted to master PlanFix and take your business to the next level. Training will help you upgrade your skills and improve your qualifications.
- You have studied the theoretical part, completed the basic course, but want to get more practice and master new "tricks".
- You work with PlanFix, you have good level of knowledge. But you lack the knowledge to move up a level and become a Planfix partner or integrator.
- You run one or two small companies, but you want to increase the speed and get hands-on experience from the integrator.
Planfix Advanced Course Program
You will learn all the Planfix functionality step by step. You will start with simple developments and get to complex bundles of Planfix objects (contacts, employees, projects, analysts, etc.) with a multi-level setting of tasks that solve business issues.
In 6 weeks you will:
- dive into the description of business processes;
- learn how to set up an organization account;
- work with parsing data from forms;
- work with the Planfix API;
- work with the Getupd.io integration service;
- link accounts and transfer information between them;
- perform complex calculations and graphs in Google Data Studio;
- learn the basics of project management in Planfix;
- learn how to build work with people (hiring, onboarding, firing and delegating) ;
- learn how to navigate in Planfix and correctly build the architecture of your solutions.
The knowledge gained is confirmed by a certificate of completion of an advanced course in Planfix.
Organizational highlights of the advanced Planfix course
- 15 paid places. Cadets of the previous training course can take part free of charge by prior request.
- Classes 2 times a week on Tuesdays and Fridays for 1.5 hours.
- Access to a private chat where you can ask questions and discuss solutions to the problems.
- Supervised homework review.
- Online classes via Zoom. Cadets doing their homework receive videos of lessons.
Don't miss the opportunity to improve your skills. Sign up for the fall advanced course on Planfix.