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The main result of the month is a new office


Yes, the main result of the month is a new office.

The footage is the same - 18 meters.

The expenses are higher, but just 21,500 rubles per month.

Travel time - 30 minutes VS 3 hours

Office expenses: innumerable for carsharing, fines, food, etc. VS zero

I agreed with the tenant that they give a month's grace period, and I will spend these funds on repairs. Everything is reasonable.

Tomorrow we paint, on Wednesday we change the lighting, but the parquet is still waiting until Wednesday. If they lost me in their funnel, I will order the same as with the renovation.

I am also glad that this is a square office, not a rectangular one. Space is felt in a completely different way.

I fix the state of BEFORE, perhaps in a year / s remember. I have photos of the offices on my computer.

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